👉我的老年。“We are all scared. But you know why? Because it's a scary fucking world. But we get through it because we're not alone.” “It hurts to be human. It hurts like hell. And all the exploring in the world doesn't make that hurt go away because being human and being hurt are the same damn thing.” 书缝crease 无止境的悲痛unrelenting sorrow 老生常谈陈词滥调platitude 善变fickle 耍心眼snippy 弦外之音riddled with overtones 古怪flaky 脾气暴躁brittle 没营养treacly 饥渴难耐hot for trot 俯首帖耳personal footstool
“Film is a visual medium”. “Show, don’t tell.” 善用视觉语言,克制陈述背景的对话,欲焰燃情是电影水准高下的重要标志。另一方面,又不滥用视听语言故弄玄虚,拔高自己装文艺。这部短片拿捏得恰到好处,还从不令人生厌的角度触及了一下种族阶级话题。